22 November 2007


While appologies are not neccessary, I feel sorry for missing yesterday's G.A. meeting. I had no aliby. After a distracting late dinner, the time reminded me that the day's meeting was halfway over.

I wondered what the group was thinking. I could have been traveling for Thanksgiving or worse- gambling. Neither was true. I just forgot that it was Wednesday. My dollar contribution to group fees stays in my pocket for a day, and I don't know if that's wrong. What goes around comes around, and I still think that my dollar will eventually come to rest where it belongs.

I have made a few personal suggestions: eat an early dinner on meeting days; go to sleep and wake up with the anticipation of meetings; and keep an open schedule. I will follow my own advise. I will make it to meetings. "It works if you work it."


Recovered Compulsive Gambler said...

Hello Gus, My name is Brett. I am a Compulsive gambler from Buffalo, NY.

I enjoyed reading the blog, and I hope we can e-mail or talk.

I could identify with a number of things you wrote about.

OH... I also have a lot of information about G.A. I'm hopeful to write a book in the future about the history of GA.

I can lead you to some "older" GA books that may aid you in your recovery...Not many GA members even know about them.

Remember, that we can recover! We can get better and stay better, with the help of God as we understand him and working with others, The obsession to gambling can be lifted.

May God bless and Keep you!

Brian Elvert said...

Thanks, Brett. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Finding my humble side through recovery has led me to appreciate those things gambling had previously put second. I often lose interest in books, but I will keep an open mind. May God's peace be with you, as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gus, Im Tony. I too am a Compulsive gambler from the UK. My last bet was 16 Feb 2007. Just wanted to let you know I think the idea of a blog to help in your recovery is a great idea and I may set one up myself. I came across the blog via your you tube video.

Brett, I too would be very interested in the books you have mentioned.

Just take it a day at time and our lives can only get better.


Brian Elvert said...

Thank you , Tony. I am glad that my blog is reaching you and others. I am even more excited that my YouTube video is being watched. I will have to check the traffic that I have been getting, but I know that it has not been much. So it is outstanding that so many other compulsive gamblers are sharing blogs, videos, comments, etc. Please let me know of your blog, if you have one. I would like to link to it from my blog.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
